How to join the Safety House program

Information for people wishing to apply to become a community Safety House private residence in their area.

If you have any queries about how to apply to become a new community Safety House please email the Safety House WA Inc. Head Office


For local residential Safety House applicants it is important that someone is in, near or around the Safety House at school travel times so that a child seeking help is likely to find someone at home when they knock on the door.

A Safety House must have easy, unobstructed street access with a yellow letterbox signplate clearly visible from the street.

Any animals or pets must be under control so they would not frighten a child seeking help.

At least one adult in a registered Safety House must hold a valid Working with Children Card.

An application form for residents wishing to become a new registered Safety House in their local community volunteer child safety program can be downloaded here.


If a business or organisation is interested in being a non-residential Safety House they must be able to provide the right environment that will offer support and reassurance to a young child seeking help at the Safety House premises.  Some places would not be suitable to be a Safety House such as large, busy shopping centres or offices, supermarkets, fast food outlets or restaurants, alcohol or tobacco shops, hospitals etc.

For local business or organisation non-residential Safety House applicants It is important that someone would be on the Safety House premises at school travel times so that a child seeking help is likely to generally find someone when they come into the premises.

Safety House premises must be easily accessible from the street with Safety House window or wall signage clearly visible from outside.

In non-residential Safety House premises only those adults who are likely to come into direct contact with a child seeking help need to hold a valid Working with Children Card.

An application form for non-residential businesses or organisations wishing to become a new registered Safety House in their local community volunteer child safety program can be downloaded here.